Well...ewel...ewel...berbuhung bang Ino minta dibuatin tutorial lagi...dan saya juga belum prepare macem-macem, ya sudah seadanya saja dulu yak he he he... (~_~)">
Sebenernya ini tutorial buatan lama...cuman blom dishare aja ama temen-temen. Tak cari-cari dikompiku ngga ketemu juga...mungkin dah tak bakar trus tak hapus. Tapi alhamdulillah, di folder sent emailku masih ada ternyata...fiuuhh... Dulu sih niatnya cuman mbuatin tutorial buat temenku aja...masih malu-malu kalo mo dipublish kaya gini... Pake basa inggris segala...pokoknya amburadul bahasanya... (~_~)">
Well...sekali lagi, karena ini ada yang minta tutorial lagi...
Actually this is an old tutorial ... just not shared it with my friends yet. I've looking around on my pc, but couldn't find it either ... maybe I've burned to cd then delete it. But thanks God, turns out it's still in my email sent folder there ... fiuuhh ... In the past, the intention was to just make a tutorial for my friend ... still shy if want to published like this ... Using all English basics ... just messy the language ...
Well ... once again, because of this, someone asked for more tutorials ...
Karena tutorialnya lumayan panjang, silakan langsung sedot saja disini:
Because the tutorial is quite long, please just get it in here:
Gif Animation Tutorial by KeMot
Filenya dalam satu paket rar. Ada file mentahnya juga. Silakan kalo mo di obrak-abrik ato di modif, terserah kalian sajalah... (~_~)">
The file is in a rar package. There are raw files too. Please if you ransack or modif, it's up to you guys ...
Semoga tutorial kali ini dapat berguna juga :D Practice Make Perfect!
Sebenernya ini tutorial buatan lama...cuman blom dishare aja ama temen-temen. Tak cari-cari dikompiku ngga ketemu juga...mungkin dah tak bakar trus tak hapus. Tapi alhamdulillah, di folder sent emailku masih ada ternyata...fiuuhh... Dulu sih niatnya cuman mbuatin tutorial buat temenku aja...masih malu-malu kalo mo dipublish kaya gini... Pake basa inggris segala...pokoknya amburadul bahasanya... (~_~)">
Well...sekali lagi, karena ini ada yang minta tutorial lagi...
Actually this is an old tutorial ... just not shared it with my friends yet. I've looking around on my pc, but couldn't find it either ... maybe I've burned to cd then delete it. But thanks God, turns out it's still in my email sent folder there ... fiuuhh ... In the past, the intention was to just make a tutorial for my friend ... still shy if want to published like this ... Using all English basics ... just messy the language ...
Well ... once again, because of this, someone asked for more tutorials ...
Karena tutorialnya lumayan panjang, silakan langsung sedot saja disini:
Because the tutorial is quite long, please just get it in here:
Gif Animation Tutorial by KeMot
Filenya dalam satu paket rar. Ada file mentahnya juga. Silakan kalo mo di obrak-abrik ato di modif, terserah kalian sajalah... (~_~)">
The file is in a rar package. There are raw files too. Please if you ransack or modif, it's up to you guys ...
Semoga tutorial kali ini dapat berguna juga :D Practice Make Perfect!